Cikkek : Enrique Iglesias az est nagy gyztese |
Enrique Iglesias az est nagy gyztese
Nem meglep mdon (hisz 14 jellst szerzett) Enrique Iglesias sszesen 9 djat vihetett haza a Latin Billboard zenei djtadn. A msodik legtbb elismerst pedig Shakira zsebelte be.
prilis 28-n tartottk Miamiban a Latin Billboard zenei djtadt. Az est nagy eslyesei taroltak a gln: Enrique Iglesias 14 jellsbl 9-et, Shakira a 13 jellsbl 6-ot vltott djra.
Enrique Iglesias mikor megkapta a Latin Artist Of The Year elnevezs djat, elvegylt a kznsg kztt s megksznte nekik a sok tmogatst. Egybknt is az nekes mr tbbszr is elmondta interji sorn, hogy sokat ksznhet a rajonginak.
A spanyol szrmazs nekes Euphoria cm nagylemeze nagy siker a vilg minden tjn, gy nem is csoda, hogy a visszatr album 9 djat is hozott neki. Arrl nem is beszlve, hogy ez a lemez olyan kelend a rajongk kztt, mint az els angol nyelv album.
A msodik legjobbnak a kolumbiai szrmazs Shakira bizonyult. Az nekesn Sale el sol cm nagylemezvel rdemelte ki djait. A The Sun Comes Out turnjval mjus 5-n Budapesten fellp nekesnt mltn nevezhetjk a latin eladk egyik legjobbjnak.
Gloria Estefant pedig emberbarti tevkenysgrt djaztk a Billboard Spirit of Hope elnevezs elismerssel.
Az esemnyre kiltogatott a latin zenei s sznszi vilg szne-java: Olyan sztrok voltak mg jelen, mint Lucero, Carolina Tejera, Jencarlos Canela, vagy ppen Marc Anthony.
A nyertesek:
Billboard Spirit of Hope: Gloria Estefan
Latin Artist of the Year
Latin Artist of the Year, New
Hot Latin Song of the Year
Hot Latin Song of the Year, Vocal Event
Hot Latin Songs Artist of the Year, Male
Hot Latin Songs Artist of the Year, Female
Hot Latin Songs Artist of the Year, Duo or Group
Hot Latin Songs Label of the Year
Crossover Artist of the Year
Latin Album of the Year
Top Latin Albums Artist of the Year, Male
Top Latin Albums Artist of the Year, Female
Top Latin Albums Artist of the Year, Duo or Group
Top Latin Albums Label of the Year
Latin Pop Airplay Song of the Year
Latin Pop Airplay Artist of the Year, Solo
Latin Pop Airplay Artist of the Year, Duo or Group
Latin Pop Airplay Label of the Year
Latin Pop Album of the Year
Latin Pop Albums Artist of the Year, Solo
Latin Pop Albums Artist of the Year, Duo or Group
Latin Pop Albums Label of the Year
Tropical Airplay Song of the Year
Tropical Airplay Artist of the Year, Solo
Tropical Airplay Artist of the Year, Duo or Group
Tropical Airplay Label of the Year
Tropical Album of the Year
Tropical Albums Artist of the Year, Solo
Tropical Albums Artist of the Year, Duo or Group
Tropical Albums Label of the Year
Regional Mexican Song of the Year
Regional Mexican Airplay Artist of the Year, Solo
Regional Mexican Airplay Artist of the Year, Duo or Group
Regional Mexican Airplay Label of the Year
Regional Mexican Album of the Year
Regional Mexican Albums Artist of the Year, Solo
Regional Mexican Albums Artist of the Year, Duo or Group
Regional Mexican Albums Label of the Year
Latin Rhythm Airplay Song of the Year
Latin Rhythm Airplay Artist of the Year, Solo
Latin Rhythm Airplay Artist of the Year, Duo or Group
Latin Rhythm Airplay Label of the Year
Latin Rhythm Album of the Year
Latin Rhythm Albums Artist of the Year, Solo
Latin Rhythm Albums Artist of the Year, Duo or Group
Latin Rhythm Albums Label of the Year
Latin Touring Artist of the Year
Latin Digital Album of the Year
Latin Digital Download of the Year
Latin Social Artist of the Year
Songwriter of the Year
Publisher of the Year
Arpa Musical, LLC, BMI
EMI Blackwood Music Inc., ASCAP
Premium Latin Publishing, ASCAP
Sony/ATV Discos Music Publishing LLC, ASCAP
Publishing Corporation of the Year
Arpa Music
EMI Music
Sony/ATV Music
Universal Music
Producer of the Year
Alfonso Lizarraga
Carlos Paucar
Fernando Camacho Tirado
Joel Lizarraga
(sajt rs, nyertesek:, 2011. prilis 29.)